Always Keep the Faith ~ ~Believe



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♥~ Always Keep the Faith ~♥

Monday, July 5, 2010

[Trans] 100705 Tohoshinki Staff Twitter Updated

Heading To The Ground Buyer Event held in Tokyo and Kobe had ended successfully!!
Yunho seems to be very happy to be able to meet his fans after a long time ♪
In Kobe, the kissing scene story became a great climax (laughs)
Thank you so much for your huge enthusiasm!

source: tohostaff twitter



[Trad] 100705 Tohoshinki Staff actualizacion de Twitter

Heading to the Ground tomo lugar en Tokyo y Kobe habia terminado exitosamente!
Yunho parece estar muy feliz y ser capaz de encontrarse con sus fans despues de mucho tiempo ♪
En Kobe, la historia de la escena del beso se volvio en un gran climax (risas)
Muchas gracias por tu gran entusiasmo.

Fuente: tohostaff twitter
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