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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

[TRANS] 100915 "Sungkyunkwan And Scandal" Ratings Rise Continuously - A Comeback?

KBS2's Monday-Tuesday drama "Sungkyunkwan and Scandal" has increasing viewership ratings, piquing peoples interest.

According to AGB (Korea's TV ratings agency) on the 15th, the episode of "Sungkyunkwan and Scandal" broadcast on the 14th had viewership ratins of 8.4%, a rise from last weeks 8.0%. "Sungkyunkwan and Scandal" had ratings of 7.3% on the 6th, with 7.5% on the following day. Since last week, the drama's viewership ratings have been on the rise.

Looking at the ratings of the past two weeks, it shows that although the ratings are not high, it will gain more attention as it progresses.

Source: [tvreport] + [with TVXQ forever]
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Spanish Translation / Traducción al Español

[TRAD] 100915 Ratings de "SungKyunKwan y Escandalo" Suben Continuamente - Un Regreso?

El drama de Lunes-Martes de KBS2 "SungKyunKwan y Escandalo" ha incrementado su rating, tomando el interes de las personas.

De acuerdo a AGB (Agencia de Ranting de TV de Corea? el 15, el episodio de "SungKyunKwan y Escandalo" que se emitió el 14 tuvo ratings de audiencia de 8.4%, un incremento del 8.0% de la semana pasada. "SungKyunKwan y Escandalo" tuvo ratings de 7.3% el 6, con 7.5% el día siguiente. Desde la semana pasada, los ratings de audiencia del drama han estado aumentando.

Viendo los rantings de las pasados 2 semanas, muestra que a pesar que los ratings no son altos, ganará más atención a medida que avance.

Fuente: [tvreport] + [with TVXQ forever]
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Compartido por: 2uAngels

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