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Saturday, September 25, 2010

[TRANS] Eunhyuk Revealed Xiah Junsu’s Betrayal, “He’s not supposed to drink alcohol”

Super Junior Eunhyuk revealed his best friend Xiah Junsu’s betrayal.

On MBC Chuseok Special episode aired on the 23rd ‘Radio Star – Super Show’ (MC Kim Gook Jin, Yoon Jong Shin, Kim Gu Ra) Eunhyuk said, “I have a determination not to drink alcohol”.

Eunhyuk continued, “Until now, I never drink even a drop of alcohol.” arousing everyone’s curiosity. “Junsu and I made promise together not to drink alcohol,” he said, “But Junsu then broke it (the promise).” Eunhyuk complained.

Meanwhile, in ‘Radio Star – Super Show’ Super Junior members who made appearances were Lee Teuk, Donghae, Shindong, Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, and Ryeowook.

credit: Newsen


Spanish Translation / Traducción al Español

[TRAD] Eunhyuk Reveló La Traición De Xiah Junsu, "Se Supone Que Él No Bebe Alcohol"

Eunhyuk de super Junior reveló la traición de su mejor amigo, Xiah Junsu.

En el episodio especial de Chuseok de 'Radio Star - Super Show' MBC, que salió al aire el 23 (MC Kim Gook Jins, Yoon Jong Shin, Kim Gu Ra) Eunhyuk dijo, "Tengo una determinación de no beber alcohol".

Eunhyuk continuó, "Hasta ahora, nunca bebo nisiquiera una gota de alcohol." Despertando la curiosidad de todos. "Junsu y yo hicimos la promesa juntos, de no beber alcohol," dijo, "Pero Junsu luego la rompió". se quejó Eunhyuk.


creditos: Newsen
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