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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

[TRANS] 100921 TV Drama "Haru" To Open On 24 Sept - Big Bang & Yunho Super Luxurious Line-up

The TV drama that has a super luxurious line-up consisting of Yunho, Big Bang, Han Chae Young, Lee Da Hae and more, and which has garnered explosive concern, will open on 24 September.

Produced by the Korea Tourism Organization, the short TV drama [Haru] (t/n: "one day") was created along the theme of "An unforgettable day in Korea". The story will unfold with the famous tourism spots in Korea as the background and with the participation of Hallyu stars, Japanese, Chinese and all Hallyu fans are anxiously anticipating it.

Although the content of the drama has not been revealed, the teaser video released on 11 September has stirred up hot response from fans in many countries.

Directed by Park Myeong Cheon who has directed many famous CFs, written by Lee Jeong Ah (The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince), and with music direction by Oh Jun Seong (Boys Over Flowers), these powerful staff have combined their strengths and are worth looking forward to.

It is understood that on the 24th, [Haru] will be revealed on the official website ( using IPTV which allows you to watch the drama as well as verify and collate the messages of interest.

Visitors of the website will be able to enjoy various scenes from the TV drama, messages and more. It is worth keeping an eye on the effectiveness of the Korea Tourism Organization's tourism centered TV drama [One Day] on tourists.

Source: [NATE + BaiduTVXQ]
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Spanish Translation / Traducción al Español

[TRAD] 100921 Drama "Haru" Se Estrenará el 24 de Septiembre - BigBang & Yunho Super Lujoso Elenco

El tv Drama que tiene un super lujoso elenco que consiste en Yunho, Big Bang, Han Chae Young, Lee Da Hae y más, y lo que ha ganado una explosiva preocupación, se estrenará el 24 de Septiembre.

Produvido por la Organización de Turismo de Corea, el corto TV drama [Haru] (n/t: "Un Día") fue creado junto con el tema "An unforgettable day in Korea (Un Inolvidable Día en Corea)". La historia se desarrollará con los famosos sitios turísticos en Corea como el fondo y con la participación de estrellas Hallyu, Japoneses, Chinos y todos los fans Hallyu estan ansiosos anticipandolo.

Aunque el contenido del drama no ha sido revelado, el trailer del video lanzado el 11 de Septiembre ha provocado una calurosa respuesta de los fans de muchos países.

Dirigido por Park Myeong Cheon quien ha dirigido muchos CFs famosos, escrito por Lee Jeong Ah (The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince), y con la dirección musical de Oh Jun Seong (Boys Over Flowers), este poderoso staff ha combinado sus fuerzas y vale la pena esperarlo.

Se entiende que el 24, [Haru] será revelado en la página oficial ( usando IPTV el cual les permite ver el drama así como verificar y clsificar los mensajes de interes.

Visitantes del sitio web seran capaces de disfrutar varias escenas del tv drama, mensajes y más. Vale la pena mantener un ojo en la efectividad del TV drama [Un Día] de la Organización de Turismo de Corea centrado en los turistas.

Fuente: [NATE + BaiduTVXQ]
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Compartido por: 2uAngels

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